Maddie’s Miracles has helped their second family by gifting them a much needed, handicap accessible van with the help of Rich’s Auto!
Six year old Bailey was diagnosed with multiple diseases and disabilities and has endured over 10 different surgeries. Some of these include Spina Bifida, Epilepsy, Horner’s Syndrome and an extremely rare disease called Chiari 3.
Due to the extent of Bailey’s disabilities, and the constant need to monitor her health, Nikki and Bailey drive to Dupont Hospital multiple times a month. It was an enormous struggle for them as they had to fit Bailey into her car seat, as well as all her equipment into the back.
Maddie’s Miracles was able to raise enough money to surprise Nikki and Bailey with a fully handicap accessible van just a few days before Christmas! Both Nikki and Bailey were surprised and overwhelmed with joy seeing the van in their driveway. Now, they can wheel Bailey into her own van with ease to drive to Dupont, or take a simple trip to the grocery store without any struggle.
Everyone has been extremely happy to see the Chintala family get around much easier in their new “Baileymobile!”